Roldán Ortega, Roque

Indigenous peoples of Colombia and the law : a critical approach to the study of past and present situations - 193 páginas : 17x24cm.

Ilo. -- Coama. -- The GAIA Foundation. -- Preface. -- Introduction. -- The indigenous peoples of Colombia. -- Indigenous policies in Colombia. -- International conventions adopted by Colombia: their character and significance in the national legal system. -- The agrarian reform of the 1960s and ILO convention 107. -- Legal contributions and limitations of convention 107 adoption of convention 169. -- Convention 169 and the 1991 political constitution. -- COnvention 169 and the new relationship between the state and indigenous peoples. -- Fundamental rights and resources to ensure their observance. -- Indigenous rights before the courts of justice. -- Indigenous peoples and the law in latin america: good and bad fortune.


Derechos de los indígenas--América Latina
Indígenas --Situación legal

342.0872 / R643i